Interview on Raglan Radio with Peggy Oki

Part 1


Part 2

On top of drowning in gillnets, habitats of the Maui's & Hector's Dolphins are under threat!

Pledge to collect five or more
"Let's Face It" Visual Petitions
this week/this month.

• Just 3 easy steps starting with selecting your favorite image of a Maui's/Hector's Dolphin at Step 1:

Going to your workplace, farmers market, ...any events?

TEAM UP* with a couple of friends, and you'll collect heaps!!

*Working in teams of 2-3 people works well for collecting many Visual Petitions. Here's how:

  • "Ambassadors": 1-2 persons briefly explain the situation of the Maui's & Hector's Dolphins and "Let's Face It" campaign.
  • "Photographer": When people agree to have their photo taken, person with camera will take photos while the Ambassadors go on to the next person to explain.

People love smiling to save Dolphins!!!

Spread the word & continue to collect "Let's Face It" VPs (LFI VPs), to tell the NZ govt that the WORLD IS WATCHING!!!


Gift your friends with Love
for "our" Cetaceans!

Interview on Raglan Radio with Peggy Oki


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