October Morning ( Carpinteria Bluffs)


October Morning

Carpinteria Bluffs


7 - 3/4" X 4 - 5/8"

This painting has been purchased.

The Carpinteria Bluffs is one of the last few remaining coastal open spaces in Santa Barbara County. It is visited by the White-Tailed Kite (a threatened species). A breeding colony of Harbor Seals is located on the adjoining beach below the bluffs. Because the Bluffs was under the threat of development for a number of years, a local organization, The Citizens for the Bluffs formed with efforts to preserve the land as an open space. They have since been successful in raising funds to purchase a large portion of the land. The Citizens group remains dedicated to its original mission of acquiring the entire Bluffs property. It will launch a subsequent fundraising campaign toward that goal if and when the landowners of the remaining 29 acres of Bluffs property are willing to sell the property to the community at a fair market price.