Dive at Dawn


Dive at Dawn

Oil on Wood Panel: 60" X 48"

Especially when it comes to painting large whales, I prefer to paint them on large panels. Because, so relatively few people have been close enough to them to really grasp the scale of these enormous animals, it is my wish to bring the viewer closer to a sense of their grandeur.

The Sperm Whale (Physeter catadon) is the largest toothed whale on Earth. Measuring up to 60 feet in length, this marine mammal also has the largest brain of all creatures. Once hunted to a point of depletion, being unviable commercially, the Sperm Whale is currently under protection. Scientists are yet uncertain if the Sperm Whale as a species will ever recover from the whaling that took place in the 20th century.

In the Summer of 2000 the Japanese whaling fleet killed 5 Sperm Whales, with a goal to take 8. Many other species of Whales are being threatened with the resumption of commercial whaling.

For further information, please click here.

This painting has been purchased.